* This is the status of the spoofer, NOT THE CHEATS THEMSELVES* If you wish to see the status of our cheats, visit our cheats status page
Wzc Spoofer= Working
Fz Spoofer= Updating
Shadow Spoofer= Updating -
Wzc spoofer
- Windows 10 And Windows 11 support
Setup of your PC and instructions of how to run hack will be provided after purchase
All Easy Anti-Cheat Protected games are supported!
All BattlEye Protected games are supported!
- Marauders = Working
- COD = Working
- Valorant = Working
- The Cycle Frontier = Working
- Apex = Working
- Arma 3 = Working
- Black Squad = Working
- DayZ = Working
- Dead by DayLight = Working
- EFT = Working
- GTA 5/FIVEM = Working
- PUBG = Working
- Rainbow 6 = Working
- Rust = Working
- Overwatch = Working
- Squad = Working
- Fall Guys = Working
- Rouge Company = Working
- Ark Survival = Working
- H1Z1 = Working
Friday The 13th = Working
Fz Spoofer
COD = Working
Apex = Working
Arma 3 = Working
Black Squad = Working
DayZ = Working= Working
Dead by DayLight = Working
EFT = Working
GTA 5 = Working
PUBG = Working
Rainbow 6 = Working
Rust = Working
Overwatch = Working
Squad = Working
Fall Guys = Working
Rouge Company= Working
Ark Survival = Working
H1Z1 = Working
Friday The 13th = Working